International Viewpoints

International Viewpoints!"The Magazine's aim: In 1934 the book Scientologie by A. Nordenholz was published. In the middle of the twentieth century the subject of Scientology was greatly expanded as a philosophy and technology by L. Ron Hubbard and a big band of helpers...
It is this large subject that International Viewpoints deals with, and it is our aim to promote communication within this field..."

Issue 15 - January 1994

by Yaws Truly
...the Dianasis debate - 8
By Frank Gordon, USA
Kemp's Column
by Raymond Kemp, USA
Is scientology only masculine?
Meta Structures
By Flemming Funch, USA
...the Dianasis debate
By The Editor, Denmark
Philosophic Viewpoints
By Todde Salen, Sweden
Before starting DUGA
Thoughts inspired by ...
...the Dianasis debate - 5
By Todde Salen, Sweden
Positive Thinking
By Judith Methven, England
New Realities
Mark Jones, USA
Your Shadow - Finding and Integrating It
...the Dianasis debate - 6
Ray Harman, Australia
Positive Thinking -the basic rules
By Leonard Dunn, England
A View from the Bridge
By Eric Townsend, England
Chapter Three 
Dianetics - Where Does It Fit In?
...the Dianasis debate - 7
Britta Burtles, England
Classic Comment
by Terry E. Scott, England
Snore Analysis
by Bob Ross, USA