from International Viewpoints (IVy) Issue 15 - January 1994
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Positive Thinking -the basic rules
By Leonard Dunn, England
1.That which one thinks is what one creates. What happens to
one is solely the result of one's thinking. Being at unwanted effect
in regard to another's creation involves one having thought that this
can happen.
2.The stronger and the more frequent the thought the more powerful
it becomes. This works negatively as well as positively.
3.Concentrating on getting rid of an unwanted condition results
in the validation of that condition. One must concentrate on the
that is desired as a result of ridding oneself of that which is
4.Doubts, fears and uncertainties will result in the negation
of the positive thought. When one realises that one's thinking has
become negative in this way then one must immediately replace the
negativity with the positive thought.
5.Visual imagery of the desired result will strengthen the thought
power. Imagining an undesired condition will increase its persistence
or create it if not currently present.
6.Kicking against any condition in one's life will result in
its persistence. Being willing and able to accept the condition and
being willing for it to happen again enables the condition to be
in the way that one desires.
7.One must ask for oneself only that which one would
ask equally for all others. Asking only for oneself can produce the
result but it may contain a kick back or penalty.
8.Thinking that something will happen will place the condition
permanently in the future. Think that it is already happening and
visualise this.
9.Impatience in regard to the time taken to achieve the result
will, in itself, act as a negating influence. Results come when the
time is right for them to do so.
10.One must be ready, willing and able to follow one's intuitive
feelings as to what one must do to achieve the desired result. Thought
force alone can seldom do this on its own unless the person is at
a very high level of achievement.
11.One must never use one's thought power to force another
to do what one wants him to do - not even for his own good.
To do so can produce very undesired repercussions upon oneself since
this action is totally unethical. If help is requested by another
to help strengthen his postultes, this is permissable.
12.One must be very certain that one really wants to change a
and is not just feeling that one ought to do so. When the will and
the imagination are at war then the imagination always wins since
that is what one secretly desires.
13.Really expect things to go right for one, when this is not at
the expense of someone else, then this will happen, even if, at times
this may not appear to be the case, then time will eventually realise
that things have, in fact, worked out for the best.
14.One should not take oneself, or life, too seriously. Positive
thought works better when one is relaxed and free from care.
15.Above all one should not begin by trying to handle one's biggest
and heaviest problem. Get the assurance that comes from smaller
at lower levels first and then work one's way up the scale. Any
no matter how large, can be tackled eventually but counselling by
a competent counsellor can help matters along more easily.
16.Do not impose conditions as to how a goal shall be attained.
If, for example, you desire more money, then do not limit yourself
by wanting it to come from a specific source.
17.Do not be put off from working towards your goals by well-meaning
but ignorant people who are unaware of how thought really works.
18.The past is gone and should remain so unless you are constantly
re-creating it. If this is the case just change your mode of thinking.
The future comes from what you create now. Live in the ever-present
1.Let a thought come into your mind. What will this thought tend
to create?
2.Think a definite thought. What will this thought tend to create?
3.Think a thought about yourself. What will this thought tend to
4.Think a thought about another. What will this thought tend to
5.Think a thought about an unwanted condition. Was this thought
in accordance with Rule 3?
You can devise variants of these exercises to suit your own case or
condition but always make sure that the thoughts are in accordance
with the rules laid down.
Fri Jul 21 19:07:46 EDT 2006