From International Viewpoints (IVy) Issue 19 - November 1994
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The Song and the Word Centre
By Jenny Kaye, Australia
I founded a Centre in Melbourne, Australia, called the Song and the
Word Centre, and was its director for over three years. The meaning
of 'Song and the Word' was each person connected with the
Goddess or Love energy and expressing themselves fully in their truth.
There we delivered LRH's and Captain Bill Robertson's clearing
Margaret Saunders, my partner there, is Super Static and trained as
a Super Static and Upper Level Review Case Supervisor.
About the centre
The Centre was a beautiful place to be; where people could attend
workshops, music events, and experience clearing based on in-depth
interviews to find out what was needed and wanted. I saw any
used by me as a tool, in the true definition of administer; it was
there to serve. I never saw a system, no matter how good, as an
never to be deviated from.
My background in Yoga, Counselling, and Teaching, contributed to my
gentle humanistic approach, which created a very trusting, loving
atmosphere for people to work in.
We ran many Workshops. Communication Workshops were very popular as
I could take a group through to deep heart and soul communion, in
only one day. I also ran Workshops on 'The Essence of Relating'
which had positive, long-lasting effects on people's relationships.
Working principles
One of the basic stable data taught is how we create our own reality.
If a person sees the world as a beautiful, supportive place, that
is what they attract. If they see the world as a trap full of
and endless entities, that is what they experience. Any Upper Level
case is a reflection of the person and any spiritual learning they
have created for themselves.
The whole process of clearing works best when it is aligned with the
spiritual level and timing - sometimes a person is not ready to
clear a pattern and fully confront the truth and it is better to wait
and be in alignment with the timing rather than force the session.
I saw clearing as operating on all four levels: spiritual, mental,
emotional, and physical. I saw that for an issue to be complete it
needed to be handled on all levels.
Clearing Techniques
My own work clearing incidents, for example, went far deeper than
any Church training. I incorporated my counselling training on
empathy with LRH's repeater technique to discharge fully on the
level. I was also aware of chakras and energy, and could feel when
the heart was open and energy had been discharged. The mental level
is well handled by running the incident and getting fully the person's
belief or decision.
On the spiritual level I asked the person from a higher self level
'what was their spiritual lesson' and people were able to
understand why the incident had occurred. I also incorporated Rowland
Barkley's Multi-viewpoint and Soul Retrieval Counselling techniques.
I ran incidents from all main viewpoints, thus clearing energy from
the body and asked the person to forgive where needed. The last
I used was Soul Retrieval, for often part of the person's soul is
still back in the incident. It is a tremendous joy to ask the soul
if it wants to return, and if so, to bring it back.
During the three years in Melbourne we cleared approximately 200
on early childhood experiences using Multi-viewpoint and Soul
techniques. We found accelerated gains in life with all clients
deeper love of self and others. They also needed far less clearing
on problem areas of their lives. These results were far more dramatic
than using a standard 'Life Repair approach'.
These clearing session were implemented alongside Life Vision Session.
This is a technique I created whereby a client is able to access the
big picture of their life. By doing this their goals are activated
on all four levels - spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and
It is also a lot of fun. Through skilful Questioning I access the
client's purpose and write it in a few words. This is very moving
and powerful for the client.
The different projects which clients produced varied from a best
seller book to a wonderful programme for teenagers, including many,
many new businesses and relationships.
By using a two-fold approach, clearing session concurrent with Life
Visual Session, it is possible to facilitate accelerated positive
changes in clients.
Over the three year period, a group of new auditors were trained
to deliver basic LRH processes up to Clear, within Goddess space
and using the co- ordinates I described. Margaret Saunders, my
then delivered upper levels to Super-Static.
Using Technology without Love is cold, and Loving without Technology
is ineffective. By synthesising the two, very powerful clearing can
'Do what thou willt shall be the whole of the Law. Love is the
Law, love under Will.'
(In reading the above I wondered why it was so much in the past
tense. I wrote to Jenny and got the following answer. Ed.)
There is no sad ending as the Church did not close us down. I have
a partner, Maggi Saunders who is working with clients in Melbourne
now,and about 100 people in Melbourne presently working full-time
on Community projects which are having big changes on the city. The
purpose of the Song and the Word Centre was to initiate these people,
take them to a certain level in their development through Clearing
Programs, Life Purpose Sessions and Goals Planning, and Workshops,
and then leave them to work and evolve their projects.The Centre
was like a catalyst for planetary change and that phase of the work
is now done. By taking a group of people through Clearing and the
Captain Bill's Upper levels with Goddess training and Initiation it
held the space for a Movement in the City to occur. Thus my job as
initiator and catalyst of this is now done.
Present activity
I am now in Sydney as a catalyst and initiator creating a centre here
using a similar formula but open to creating even more impact in the
city of Sydney. You may like to add a postscript to the original
as I have become clearer about what I do by creating again in Sydney.
I am happy for you to add my Sydney address to the article. If you
have any more questions or want more please let me know.
Jenny Kaye
66 New Beach Rd;
Darling Point, 2027
N.S.W. Australia.