From International Viewpoints (IVy) Issue 6 - May 1992
Philosophical Considerations (1st article on the three kingdoms)
By Todde Salén, Sweden
Religion And The Meaning Of Life
Quote from LRH: "Living is having and following a basic purpose"
and "Happiness is the overcoming of not unknown barriers towards
a known purpose and the contemplation thereof".
If you consider these statements as containing truth you may agree
that a thetan is as alive and happy as he is sucessfully working in the
direction of the optimum solution (the greatest good for the greatest
number of dynamics).
Looking at the history of mankind and the purpose of life and man,
it could be said that evolution of life on this planet is not accidental,
but has behind it a purpose and a meaning (meaning of life). If you
agree that evolution of life on this planet has a purpose behind it,
you might be interested in finding out what this meaning of life is.
If the purpose of life is (or was) to create mankind and civilisation
we could say that so far life has been successful and a great deal
of barriers obviously have been overcome, since life was started on
our planet. Thus a lot of happiness has been harvested by the beings
responsible for creating the successful evolution of life forms towards
creating mankind.
Cro-Magnon Man
Evolution produced human beings in the form of the Cro-Magnon
man already some 50.000 years ago. The genes of the Cro-Magnon
human being (homo sapiens) are essentially the same as the genes of
modern man.
The creation of civilisation was (if our line of thought so far is
somewhat correct) then the next step in the meaning of life. The old
buddhistic idea of evolution of civilisation is that homo sapiens
should be evolved from wild men in hunting packs to "more-than-human"
beings capable of creative thought and postulates (OTs). To accomplish
that step of evolution the 4th dynamic has to go through three different
steps of civilisation - the three empires or the three types of kingdoms.
I am suggesting here that we have already witnessed the successful
creation of the first two types of kingdoms on this planet. But so
far we have not witnessed the successful creation of the third kingdom
or the third type of civilisation.
The Hunting Pack Man
Before any kind of human civilisation was erected on this planet at
all, we had men - human beings - existing in hunting packs.
Even today such 3rd dynamics - hunting packs - exist on the
planet. Human beings in such hunting packs are very very different
from the human beings we have in civilisation today. One very different
characteristic of them is that they are basically unable to live in a
civilisation (fourth dynamic) at all. When such human beings are
brought into a civilisation (usually in the past they have been rounded
up as slaves or just killed off), they just do not function as members
of civilisation.
Rites and Rituals
The thinking process of the hunting-pack man is not very creative.
They usually have a limited thinking process, as they are inhibited
in their thinking process by the very rites and rituals that they
depend on so much for their survival. It is the worshipping of their
gods and the respect for the habits and customs of their 3rd dynamic
(morals) that is the very ground for their ability to survive. The
number of individuals in their groups is so small that they do not
have room for social experiments or failures. Thus they tend to become
extremely conservative and unwilling to change their way of life.
If such a 3rd dynamic tried to change their ways drastically they
usually succumbed as a group and that was the end of that 3rd dynamic.
Those 3rd dynamics (hunting packs) that changed their habits and customs
very slowly survived while those that changed too much too fast vanished.
At the same time those who did not change their ways at all ceased
to exist, when the environment demanded change in the ways of the
group as the conditions of the environment changed (this happened
especially, when we had changing climates during "the ice-age"
in the northern hemisphere). The end result was that a slow ability
to change with changing conditions was the most survival pattern of
the hunting pack men that spread mankind across the planet some 50,000
to 10,000 years ago.
Start of Agriculture
As the number of human beings on the planet increased some areas got
so crowded with human beings, that the available food from hunting
started to become scarce. The hunting packs that solved this changing
condition by slowly creating another source of food - agriculture
- became a lot more successful in surviving, than those hunting
packs that insisted in following their old habits and customs. Thus
the groups that allowed themselves to change their habits and customs
faster, won over those that were slower in changing their ways. In
buddhist tradition the third great buddha - called Dharma - now
entered the scene and taught agricultural human beings the principles
of the first empire. The 1st Kingdom is most easily described as a
slave society. The mental state of the human beings at that point
in time has no similarity to the mental condition of modern man in
todays industrialised civilisations. It is very easy for human beings
today to condemn slavery as a non-human form of civilisation. But
it is only non-human for those human beings who have evolved beyond
the state of mind that type of civilisation was designed to create.
One and two valued logic
The purpose of the first type of civilisation is (and was) to make
"one-way-logical thinkness men" into "two-way-logical thinkness men".
The one-way-logic of the hunting pack mans mind served a purpose.
It kept the human beings in those small vulnerable groups away from
drastic experiments and made them survive in a challenging environment.
One-way-logic is best defined as the kind of logic you get "from
above". You follow the dictates of "your god" without question.
There is no room for "your own thinking" or experiment.
Certain stable data are true when you are born as well as when you
live and die. At the same time there had to be room for some change
(to overcome the challenges of a changing environment). So even
one-way-logic had to have room for other (higher) logics.
The hunting pack groups that exist today on our planet do show us
that it was a very pleasureful existence in many ways, even if the
challenges of the environment at times make existence less safe.
Studies also show a very strong belief in the god or gods that "rule
the world". Having no real understanding of the processes of nature
or life the hunting pack men lived in a world full of superstitions
and tabus that did serve their purposes, but of course do not assist
the members of the hunting packs in their evolvement into civilised
human beings.
On the scale of logics (See Technical Bulletins Vol. I page 68
"Dianometry - Your Ability and State of Mind", also the "Null-A"
science fiction books of A.E van Vogt.) we have two-valued-logic
above one-value-logics. That is the subject of the 1st type of
civilisation and the CCH-triangle that we are going to discuss in the
next article of Philosophical Considerations in the next issue of
P.S. My purpose in writing these articles is to help you expand your
goals and purposes to encompass the greater goals and purposes of
religion on this planet. It is only if you expand as beings and accept
responsibility for such higher goals and purposes that you can become
true OTs and then easily handle your smaller problems (stemming from
smaller goals and purposes).
These articles are being written hoping that there are readers in the
IVy subscribers group that have evolved themselves through
civilisation to be able to rise towards the level of awareness, where
thought can be turned into action (postulates) resulting in creation
of cycles of action towards attainment of the 3rd Kingdom.
Definition af civilisation: civilisations or cultures are fourth dynamic
cycles of action. The Indo-European root word is "kei-" with the
basic meaning of "bed" or "lie down". The latin word "civis" means
"citizen" or member of a society or household. Thus the basic meaning
of civilisation is "human beings who are not nomads, but have settled
down and organised around a 4th. dynamic activity".