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From: PJSpickler@aol.com
Date: Sun, 23 Mar 2003 21:47:02 EST
Subject: IVySubs: From overload to underload
To: ivy-subscribers@lightlink.com

** ivy-subscribers relaying **

  It is with some degree of pride-prejudice that I have once again observed
the interesting perturbations of the fabled IVy list, its ability to go from
something to nothing and back again. It readily passes between the sublime
and the ridiculous without missing a beat, and continues, in my estimation,
to be one of my happiest habits.

  I feel I would be remiss if I failed to say a word or two about, or to,
Colin Mills' provocative and pleasant communication entitled "Oooops." Well,
Colin, old chap, I'd be very surprised if everyone on this list thought you
were a pervert. There may be a few that do, but they are probably
special-category thetans, and not to be taken too seriously. I, myself(s),
have at different times thought about you, and/or the content of various of
your postings, and although some of my thoughts probably don't bear
repeating, I'm pleased to report that I have yet to think of you as a
pervert, assuming that both you and I understand what that word means (I
hope, I hope I hope . . .).

  But all right -- I must pull my three and a half attention units away
from good Colin, and speak to and of other matters at this time. It is my
experience, my perception, my opinion, a consideration, a thought, a
ridiculous conclusion, namely, that it is a simple and very easy matter to
hypnotize just about anybody. For those of use who took _Dianetics, the
Modern Science of Mental Health_ to heart, it was practically a self-evident
truth that most people, like us, our fellow human beings, are already in a
state of being hypnotized. This condition existed or exists due to those
subconscious or unconscious experiences called engrams, or, in more simple
terms, what you don't know may be controlling your life.

  The definition of an engram helps us to see why its effect is synonymous
with that of hypnotism, namely: it is an experience or a moment, long or
short, of pain and unconsciousness containing all manner of things and
persons and thoughts at the time it occurred that at some later moment can be
activated (or in Dianetic terminology, restimulated), causing the person to
re-enter the original experience, thus producing pain, unconsciousness, and
an acting-out of forces and thoughts and emotions contained in the original
engram, without the person's conscious or analytical control of the

  Well, that's very much like, or the same as, hypnotism -- a person's
conscious mind, when hypnotized (in Dianetics, the analytical mind) is
suspended, and while that mind is unconscious the hypnotist can put just
about any experience into the person's unconscious mind in the form of verbal
commands that can control everything from the person's blood pressure and
heartbeat to believing that they are anything the hypnotist directs -- a dog,
a rooster, a baby, a person of the opposite sex, a moonbeam, a cloud, on and
on ad infinitum.

  The hypnotist can also fool around with time and make suggestions about
what the person will be, do, or have in the future when a certain cue is
picked up. This is called post-hypnotic suggestion. So the hypnotist could
tell a person while under hypnosis, "After I awaken you, you will feel fine,
perfectly normal, doing great, but every time I mention the word 'Fido,' you
will get down on all fours and start barking like a dog." And lo and behold,
if the hypnotist has done a good job of installing that suggestion, that's
exactly what the person will do every time they hear the word "Fido."

  This also demonstrates how people use their conscious or analytical mind
to try to explain away engrammic or other-determined behavior over which they
have no control, because if the hypnotist asks the person, "Why did you just
get down on all fours and start to bark?" the person will make up all kinds
of what appear to be plausible reasons for why they did that; and the
hypnotist will appear to accept those reasons, and a little later say the
word "Fido" again, and when the person gets down and starts to bark again,
the hypnotist will say, "What are you doing, and why are you doing it?"

  Well, the audience unfortunately will laugh hysterically when they hear
some of the lamentable and ridiculous reasons the person gives for getting
down on all fours and barking, and this is just what regular human beings do
when they've dramatized an engram and someone asks them to explain their
behavior. The courts of law and the police are very familiar with this sort
of stuff, even if they don't understand engram theory.

  But anyway, all this is about the fact that people who have engrams in
restimulation, sometimes in a more or less chronic sense, are acting out the
dictates of these engrams, and if they fail to, they get all the pain, the
Sturm, the Drang, the horror and the unconsciousness, that was in the
original engram, which is why, if you stop a person who starts to act out the
commands of an engram and prevent them from acting it out, which is to say
break the dramatization, the person will usually get mentally and/or
physically ill to one degree or another.

  This is pretty rough stuff I'm talking about and you see it all the time
in the everyday world. The original hope of Dianetics was to run out, erase,
bring to consciousness most importantly, enough of the unconscious content of
engrams that they would not be restimulated by life and livingness and thus
the person would not have to automatically and unconsciously act out the
incident, the engram, in the same way that a hypnotized person must, while
the conscious mind is suspended, must act out, become, do, have, whatever the
hypnotist, who is this case is behaving with the same force as an engram,
commands the person to do.

  So Dianetics was an effort to de-hypnotize people, and if used well,
great strides in the direction of freeing any given citizen from some of
their worst engrammic behavior was and is possible. But because most people
have never had the opportunity or availed themselves of enough Dianetics to
see for themselves, by making the unconscious conscious, just how much of
their life was being dictated engrammically, they are therefore easily and
regularly hypnotized throughout their lives here on Planet Earth.

  If the hypnotist that we were talking about earlier in this entertainment
were to give the fellow with the post-hypnotic suggestion that caused him to
get down on all fours and bark like a dog a Dianetic session which enabled
the person to consciously remember how and when the hypnotist installed that
suggestion, the person would be at once free of it and might, on coming up to
anger and remembering the audience laughing at his unnatural and freakish
behavior, pop said hypnotist one right in the nose.

  History is rife with the abuses of hypnotism by some stage hypnotists who
have left people with all kinds of hypnotic stuff in their subconscious or
unconscious or reactive mind that certainly wasn't doing said person any good
at all. If you've ever Dianetically audited people who have gone to stage
hypnosis events where some hypnotists have even endeavored, often with a
great deal of success, to hypnotize an entire audience, it's quite an
experience for the person to wake up from that past hypnosis and remember
what happened to them and what they forgot about and what influence it had
had on their lives ever since -- not dissimilar to running out a heavy ether
or sodium pentothal or some kind of a drug-induced engram in which doctors
and other medical personnel have said about and of the unconscious person all
manner of possible things that might thereafter have enormous effect on the
person's health and well-being, their recuperative powers, and their feelings
and behavior thereafter.

  L. Ron Hubbard, in his 1963 Routine 3-R bulletins, which were all about
whole-track engram running, which is to say running engrams that precede the
person's present physical existence -- anyhow, in one of the R3R bulletins,
Ron has something to say about the hypnotic nature of reality. Strange and
suspicious as this may sound, I can't remember exactly what he said (ho, ho,
ho), but it had something to do with an on-again, off-again pulsation or
rhythm that kept beings hypnotized with all of their attention units
synchronized to that pulsation or rhythm, which made reality or the physical
universe one big theta or thetan trap.

  I used to have quite a bit of reality on that point, and actually
contacted (real or imagined) the experience of where it was coming from. But
later decisions brought me to feel that as traps go, this is one of the more
pleasant ones, and the easiest to spring and escape from if that's what you
want to do.

  I do hope I hear from at least one or one-and-a-half other people on this
strange but beautiful essay.

  As never,

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