From International Viewpoints (IVy) Issue 20 - January 1995

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Kemp's Column

by Ray Kemp, USA

So you still want more tech?

HAVING SAID all I said in the last issue, there still appears to be
some who feel that they cannot really get their 'hands dirty',
without knowing some areas of technology that they can easily use.
In other words some of you want a small handy dandy tool kit that
you can carry around, and which might be useful in aiding another

Well, here are a few tools, eminently workable, that can produce
and which most 'professional' counsellors tend to forget because they
are 'old', or because they are so self evident that 'everyone
knows that'.

I will try and classify areas where they might be best used, but
you just have to pick your own situation.


If the person is unconscious, the first thing is not to speak loudly,
and not to use command phrases such as 'stay there', 'go
back', 'stop here', and so on. You will be surprised at
how easily bystanders will react to gestures rather than verbal
which can also be heard by the victim. If he is not breathing do CPR
(Cardiopulmonary resuscitation). If he is conscious, then ask where
it hurts. If he responds, then continue to ask 'Do you hurt here?...'
placing your hand on various body parts. Then switch to 'Feel
my hand', and you are into a touch assist / body comm, which you
can continue to do for some time.

Sometimes as you progress along this line you can actually start an
engram running by saying 'tell me what happened', and then
asking him 'What was the first thing that happened', or you
can say'What was the last thing before the accident?', and
no matter what he responds, you quietly move him back and forth on
the time track, going over the incident as often as you can. The key
here is to remember that it is the number of times through the
that makes it work, not the completeness of his response.


While a child should never be 'assisted half to death' (Ron's
phrase for scn children who never get a formal session but get on
the fly assists at any time, and thus never differentiate between
an auditing time track and a general time track), there are times
when even a little tot needs a touch assist. What works on these
is a slight change of command to 'Listen to my finger' rather
than 'Feel my finger'.


Should you want or need to sober up a person fast, run his drinking
track backwards. That is: 'What is the last drink you had? Recall
it. OK. What was the drink before that? ...' and so on. It works
and gets easier once you have had him recall the last three drinks.


You meet a person in a restaurant or anywhere and they are obviously
upset. Say to them, stranger or not, 'You look upset. What is
happening?' (never 'What is wrong?'). Ninety percent
of the time they will immediately go into session on you (Definition:
In session = interested in and willing to talk about own case). Once
they start talking, listen and acknowledge when you really understand.
When they have told you the upset, then you can handle it with advice
that is a preamble by saying, or asking 'How does it seem to you
now?', and 'How big a problem/upset does it seem? Is it bigger
than you at this moment? ...' If it is then get more information,
until they feel it is less than it was. Once this is established ask
for a problem of comparable magnitude. The emphasis here is to reduce
the person's concept of the size of the problem, not to handle the

If you get real good at this you can then ask 'Do you know anyone
else who had a similar problem?', and that takes you right into
valence splitting, and the phenomenon of the person realizing that
they are using another person's valence, or they are handling another
person's problem as their own.

Important: don't underestimate the speed at which people will respond
and feel better. We are talking just a few minutes here, like ten
to twenty minutes. Keep it casual, but you be genuinely interested
in them.

Always end off one of these mini sessions with a havingness: 'Look
around here and find something you can have... you like...'
or even 'Locate the wall in front, behind, above, below...'.
Only then do you ask 'Did this help?', and after that you
can give the person a little stable datum like 'Problems are always
two or more opposing vectors', or 'Sometimes people get overwhelmed
by another and that makes them feel small and so the problem looks
bigger than they are', or 'One can easily lose one's integrity
(definition: wholeness, completeness) and then go around trying to
find a special solution'.

Become an expert in Straight Wire techniques (read Self Analysis)
and one of the most useful tools in one's carry round kit, is the
various definitions in the Tech Dictionary, such as Integrity,
Problem, Stable Datum, ARC and ARC breaks, you have a body, you are
not one, Interiorisation (going in).

Don't be backward in explaining these things to another, you will
be amazed at how the person will cognite and change, just because
you took the time to explain and clarify 'Upsets usually come
about by no communication, or different reality, or loss of affinity'
or explain that help is the assisting another to achieve his own
or some other little bit of data that you have and that you think
'everyone knows that'.

And if you want to start a practice, then as a final act give them
your card and ask them to call you in a couple of days to see how
they are doing... They will, and they will want more.

A long time pc

Especially one who is still complaining of the terrible things that
happened to him. Remember he has been drilled in how a session is
supposed to be, and that every aspect of this is now A=A=A. So
usually I would not use a meter, or session note pad or a two chair
facing a table set up. I would ask him very casually what it was that
he wanted the very first time he had a session, and follow that up
with 'What happened?', and from there I would handle whatever
came up in the way of failure to achieve, or being prevented, or

The second area I would look at is, if he says he is clear, 'When
was that and what happened?', and, more importantly, what was
his cognition that made him feel or be declared clear. This area
is where a lot of the horror stories start, by the way. Being told
to attest when he wasn't sure, or being interrupted in his clear
or being told to attest when he didn't even know what Clear was about,
or cogniting way earlier in his auditing track and being prevented
from expounding and exploring his cognition. I have run into all of
these. Sometimes it results in the person realizing that he was clear,
or is clear, or even has never been clear, but with each case getting
the actuality handled whatever went on after that. You will be amazed
at how many withholds there are on just that event, so handle the
person's reality, not your own, and if you do this with good listening
and understanding you will be doing a great service to very many

Lets all have a highly successful new year.