From International Viewpoints (IVy) Issue 19 - November 1994
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Idenics and Identities
By Mike Goldstein, USA
Idenics is not a new name for any system, prior or current. It is
not a 'cover' for the delivery of other services. It does,
of course, use workable basics from other fields of knowlege, but
it is itself a new subject with its own basics.
The idea of identities is not new. Many names have been given to them
and lots of explanations of how they come to be(2).
Many schools of thought mention identities
and have for hundreds of years, perhaps for thousands. But much
about identities, how and why they are formed, their characteristics
and make-up, their relationship to man's problems, how they're dealt
with, and their relative importance in therapy was not know prior
to Idenics.
Idenics is essentially an evolutionary step in the development of
a system for self improvement and awareness. It is a new system, not
just a rehash of some earlier subject. If you have been involved
in other methods of personal development you have probably acquired
certain stable data that you use and that are true for you. Likewise,
there are probably things that you found unworkable and false. Idenics
will bring about no conflict on either account. It should, in fact,
reinforce your stable data and answer any questions you may have
as to why other things were unworkable. Even though Idenics is a new
subject it will align to earlier knowledge. This is because, as with
all new developments, it has evolved out of earlier knowledge and
Directed at cause
The person coming in for services is in some way trying to gain more
control over some aspect of his life. In one system the therapy
was directed initially at points where the person was at effect -
the incident, the engram, the implant, etc. In Idenics the processing
is directed at where the person was at cause - how he responded
to some problem or confusion. An identity is such a response.
In talking about identities, the subject is not limited to just the
original generation or assumption of an identity. People shift
in and out of identities routinely. Some identities cause the
no difficulty, e.g., when a person goes to the office he assumes an
executive identity; when he comes home he assumes a husband or parent
identity. But what happens if junior spills the milk and dad shifts
into a child-beater identity, hurts junior, and later shifts into
an identity that feels remorse for what he's done? This kind of
and the identities connected are not comfortable and do cause the
individual difficulty.
I'm sure if you think about it, you can spot your own examples of
moving in and out of identities, both ones that are not detrimental
and ones that cause problems. Many people just reading this article
may shift in and out of identities while they read, or may have
a particular identity when they started this piece. The possibilities
for response are as varied as there are people.
No attention on past horror
In Idenics the person's attention is not directed at the horrible
incidents that happened to him or the terrible crimes he has
There is no dramatization or make-wrong in either direction. The
person generated an identity as a solution to some confusion. That
solution, that identity worked at that time. Put on automatic and
carried forward it doesn't necessarily work in other situations. You
handle the identities that are on automatic and giving the person
difficulty, and that's all you have to do.
The person himself, the being, doesn't do anything or have anything
done to him. Identities are his comm lines to the physical universe,
and these are the via for his experience and doingness. This in
no way implies the being is not responsible. All identities are
by the being, and no one else. But when you get into the above
'overt/motivator' dramatization and make-wrong in therapy,
you run the risk of your client making his identities more solid
creating new ones as a response to the therapy itself!
Just go ahead and insist that the person run this awful track
If his person is sitting in an identity that was generated twenty
years ago, that identity doesn't have any track before that time,
let alone the incident you're insisting that happened to him 75
years in the past!
Or demand this person give up all his shameful crimes right now as
they are the source of his problems. This would be difficult if the
person is sitting in an identity that never hurt anyone.
In both the above examples, the therapy itself could be a confusion.
The person may, under duress, assume the identity the therapist is
insisting on. Or, the person may mock- up another identity to handle
the wrong-indication, and this one could be an identity that resists
any form of help and keeps him from making any sort of gain in
in the future. There are a number of possibilities, all of which don't
really benefit the person. He just keeps switching horses on the
With Idenics you give the person the chance to get off the
or at the very least, have control over what horses he gets on and
Handling what wants handling now
In Idenics we have no bridge of services, no series of levels each
person must do, no stated end phenomena each person must reach. We
are not interested in bringing an individual to our understanding
of what he needs to know to accomplish his purposes, whatever they
may be. Roteness, of course, does not play a part in the delivery
of Idenics. We are handling the person in front of us on what he wants
handled now, and that is all. Idenics deals only with what the person
wishes to handle or improve. This point is stressed because it is
the sole criteria used when working with any person who takes our
The purpose of Idenics is to help the being regain control
over viewpoints he assumes to play the game of life. The intention
is not to convince the person to create yet another identity
not of his own choosing. We make no evaluation as to which identities
are 'good' or 'bad'.
Idenics greatly enhances the ability of a person to decide, based
entirely on his own knowingness, who or what he wants to be.
For more informatiuon, write: Survival Services International,
1670 S. Elkhart Street, Aurora, CO, 80012, USA, or look at their
(1)Originally issued
as a leaflet with the title 'More on Idenics'.
(2)For a scientology
viewpoint, see for example under valences and universes in the
Volumes (Red volumes) cumulative index in volume X. There was a
period in scientology research where there was very heavy attention
on valences. IVy Ed.