From International Viewpoints (IVy) Issue 17 - June 1994
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About Volume Three, The Pied Pipers Of Heaven
by L.Kin, Earth
The Pied Pipers of Heaven is an account of what happened since
Hubbard began to investigate into the mind sometime in the 1930s and
what items of general interest (referring to the 'remote control'
of Earth) were discovered in the course of this. Although Hubbard
himself, the subject of scientology and the Church of Scientology
are going to be regarded with due criticism, there is an underlying
conviction that Hubbard's techniques are useful.
Why that name?
One may wonder why I - a 'protestant', as it were -
should stick to this rather ill-fated name of 'scientology'
(which literally means 'study of wisdom'). Well, if I didn't,
nobody would know what I'm talking about. After all, the name has
been around for a good forty years already. And I couldn't possibly
pretend to have invented the methods which unearthed the often
incidents you are going to read about. (Scientology is not a new name,
by the way. Already in 1934 it was used by the Austrian Dr. A.
as the title for his book Scientology - a Science on the Nature
and Validity of Knowledge.)
Much as I'm prepared to declare that Hubbard (despite anything one
might hold against him personally) was a genius, I would be the last
person to claim that the understanding and application of scientology
as it is practiced within and outside the CofS has come anywhere near
the ideal. Yet one ought to be careful not to measure the value of
a philosophy by what its disciples do with it. Jesus Christ's Sermon
on the Mount is one thing, the Spanish Inquisition and their torture
chambers quite another - yet both go under the name of Christianity.
But enough of that. The historical, philosophical and practical
of Hubbard's teachings were covered in my two previous books More
than a Cult? and A Handbook for Use. Anyone wishing to know
more about the subject itself and the infighting between Church and
non-Church scientologists is referred to them.
Unrevealed to the public
Beyond that, a large body of data exists that was never revealed to
the public - not even to scientologists themselves. This is because
Hubbard stopped writing for the public when he touched on incidents
of the past he considered so hot that he thought it dangerous to make
them known. Scientology became 'esoteric', i.e. for the eyes
of the initiated only. This point was reached in 1952 with the book
History of Man. (Its sensationalist opening line: 'This
is a cold-blooded and factual account of your last sixty trillion
years.') Only in this book, and in no other before or after, does
Hubbard give insights into the bizarre and sometimes terrifying
events of man's remote past, events that came to light during auditing
Dianetics, Hubbard's first book, written two years before History
of Man, had revealed that prenatal memories are a commonplace
that the unborn embryo receives and records not only general sense
perceptions but as well the voices of father and mother. History
of Man extends this concept not only to recent past lives but takes
the reader back billions and trillions of years. Yet after History
of Man, Hubbard stopped writing about 'what really happened'.
He restricted himself to giving technical instructions to auditors
and administrative personnel. The 'hot stuff' was from
now on kept confidential. After 1965 it was graded in degrees of
and released to individual scientologists at specific points as
a step-by step initiation. Illness and even death was thought to
the nosey disciple who'd glean premature insight to the secret
data of the Clearing Course and OT I - III.
Perhaps at that time this was a correct precaution. However, for
reasons which will be discussed at their appropriate points in The
Pied Pipers of Heaven, it seems safe now to release these data
to the public in general and scientologists in particular, so as to
take the weight of mystery off their shoulders.
Disapointment - and success
Mysteries sell well, and the CofS was never tardy at selling mysteries
to its true believers. In many cases the disappointment was great -
some were thrown out of the Church for alleged misdemeanors
before they could be initiated, others couldn't afford financially
to even get close to the initiation, others again did manage to pay,
were taken through the steps of the initiation procedures but failed
to benefit from it due to incompetent instruction and supervision.
Yet some - and this deserves to be emphasized - had life-changing
gains from being let in on these mysteries and working through them,
and only for this reason is it worth talking about the matter at all.
The data to be revealed to you in The Pied Pipers of Heaven
are not 'Hubbard's data' alone, because Hubbard had his auditors
co-audit each other and it is from the common denominators between
their accounts that a general outline of the history of man and his
situation at present could be drawn. Some would recall how man came
to Earth and where he came from, others would act as 'media',
receive telepathic communications from beings on other planets, gain
insight into galaxy-wide political upheavals and be confronted
with extra-terrestrial invaders. The same method of research was
by some of Hubbard's followers after his death in 1986 and outside
the control of the CofS. Many more data beyond what he had found came
to light and filled the remaining gaps in the puzzle. We are talking
about a group effort where one man took the lead, admittedly, but
would have been in a tight spot without the people around him
Caught between two poles.
Any one practising Hubbard's techniques outside the CofS is caught
between two millstones: public opinion on the one hand, the CofS
itself on the other. The public is suspicious as they believe that
anyone using Hubbard's methods must be connected to his Church; the
CofS is suspicious as they are convinced that anyone applying
outside their hallowed halls not only makes a mess of it but -
much worse! - violates their trademarks and must therefore be
stamped out. (They do try hard.)
I must confess that I somewhat fail to comprehend their proposition.
How would you copyright and trademark the subject of biology? Or
Christianity? Particularly as Ron Hubbard, their very own champion,
says in Dianetics:'If anyone wants a monopoly on dianetics,
be assured that he wants it for reasons which have not to do with
dianetics but with profit.' A similar incongruity between the
CofS' viewpoint and that of its founder shows in the definition of
'scientologist'. According to the Church, a scientologist
must be a member of the CofS or one of its organisations, whereas
to Hubbard it's simply 'an individual interested in scientology'
(see Mgmt. Dict.).
No need for a licence
As well in his generally underrated but nevertheless wise book Hymn
of Asia, Ron very clearly gives anyone free licence to apply his
'I give you
Of such a kind
That you can doubt.
I ask no faith.
For such I give is real enough
To suffer every doubt.
As little as you know of these Lessons
Use them.
As much as you know
Use them.
But use them
For good
Not evil
Use them for love
Not hate
Conquer all with
Knowledge and with skill
Use no war.'
Fri Sep 15 18:51:41 EDT 2006