From International Viewpoints (IVy) Issue 11 - April 1993
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By Terry E. Scott, England
A-Factors ?
In the early days, L. Ron Hubbard used the term 'actuality'
to describe reality within a person's own universe. The term may have
fallen into disuse around the late Fifties, but it is back there in
the literature - although, being a lazy so-and-so this
Thursday evening, I am not about to go through all my materials to
quote chapter and verse like a Bible-puncher. Either trust me
or, better, check it out: when Ron used the term, he distinguished
one's own actuality from reality.
The latter was defined as: the agreed-upon apparency of existence.
Agreed between two or more viewpoints, thetans. And the interesting
thing is that two beings can have quite different actualities on something,
yet find or create common realities.
If you and I walk through an open gate into a well-tended garden,
under sunny skies in the middle of summer, maybe you take special
delight in the rose beds and the tiny wisps of cloud that vanish almost
as soon as they start to form. But maybe I most admire the vibrant
green of the grass, delighting in the tremendously deep blue of the
sky in the north. Two actualities, if you like, even though the scenery
is the same.
Is there an ARC-Break? No, simply a difference in actualities.
But there is also an agreed-upon reality, if we care to notice
it and discuss it: for instance, the fact that it is summer,
the sky is very clear, and we are in a garden.
Actuality and reality-one aspect of this can be illustrated by
an analogy. Imagine two slide projectors aimed at a white screen.
Into one of them, insert a slide with a circular mask in which is
a turquoise (cyan) filter. This represents one actuality. Into the
other projector, put a similar slide but with a yellow filter, in
effect another actuality. Turn on the machines, and adjust the projected
circles of color so they are next to one another. Now adjust the projectors
so that the circles of light overlap in the center of the screen.
This area has a different hue: green, a reality.
Just as, in mest, colors integrate to give a third hue (complementary
colors give white), two theta actualities can sometimes be merged
at a blending point, a zone of agreed-upon reality. In life, it
is an art to find areas of harmony. But if the actualities involved
are good ones, new realities can be remarkable.
Tue Jul 11 19:08:15 EDT 2006