International Viewpoints (IVy), Issue 35 - January 1998

Book News

More on Super Scio
(Those on Internet should look at IVy's home page to find a link to where they can get SuperScio.
The address is
To our knowedge the book is only available as downloaded from Internet -- so if you don't have Internet,
it pays to cultivate a friendship with someone who does.
See also IVy 31 page 32, 32 page 29 and 34 page 12. Ed.)

By Rick Reijers, Holland

SUPER SCIO IS A WORK on scientology written by someone of the CofS who wishes to remain anonymous for safety reasons and who has been involved with the Church for many years. It contains his personal viewpoint on the subject, a lot of inside information, and data on the tech. The materials are available on internet for free. The only exchange the author requires is that he hopes that others may benefit from it.

The most valuable things of SuperScio are for me:

1. The author discards many myths on scientology which you find in many of the books, brochures etc. of the CofS, e.g. he says that scientology hardly deserves being called a science, that the grades were not well planned out, that stable OT abilities have never been demonstrated and that the BTs on the upper levels are not the source of the pc's aberrations contrary to what the CofS seems to maintain.

2. It contains lots of new data which you will not find in any of Hubbard's works (see below). These have been discovered by the author himself during many years of research and auditing experience.

3. He challenges the readers to test the new data on processes he has found to improve on the tech and to make processes easier and more effective. For him, scientology is still on a research line and many things must still be found out. Test persons are needed for this.

4. The data are clearly arranged making the book also useful as a reference work, e.g. all types and methods of auditing are neatly put together.

5. Last, but not least, the author has an entertaining writing-style, a clear presentation, he puts things in a broad context, he keeps things simple and gives lots of examples to illustrate the processes he is writing about.

Data examples

- The author says that the lower level grades are also the ultimate OT levels. What he means is the following. At the beginning, the accessibility area of the pc is too small to bring the grades to erasure. On the other hand, the things the grades are dealing with (problems, communication, overts etc.) are at the very base of the pc's aberrations in his past existence. A good approach is to bring the grades first to some point of release, then clean up some stuff on the upper OT levels until there is no more case gain, return to the grades to erase them more fully, switch to the OT levels again when the accessibility area has increased, etc. As a matter of fact, the author presents a complete new version of the grades, called steps to avoid confusion. Apart from old processes, many processes have been added as well.

- The true pattern of line plots is revealed and a route to find the actual GPM is offered. According to the author, GPM technology was a too early abandoned research area in scientology despite the many important results which were obtained. The author discusses the origin of the line plot pattern. Once this is known it becomes very easy to spot GPMs and to find the actual GPM, i.e. the current GPM one is living in.

- A cosmic history is presented in which a succession of universes is described and in which the thetan degraded gradually more and more from his original god-like state.