November 1995
IVy 24

Regular Column

New RealitiesMark Jones

By Mark Jones, USA

Belief Changing Procedure

Our beliefs form the basis of how we perceive ourselves and our environment and interact with it. By identifying and changing those which are limiting, a person can bring about significant changes in his fulfilment and success in life.

The major challenge in changing limiting beliefs is finding those which are limiting. Fortunately, there is ample feedback. What we are experiencing in life is a useful source. A workable rule to use in spotting them is this. A person causes or allows whatever he is experiencing. So a useful question to ask is, "What would someone have to believe, particularly about himself or herself, to be creating or allowing this particular type of experience?"

As examples, if you are having losses, then possible limiting beliefs might be: a) I'm a loser, b) I don't deserve to win, c) I can't trust myself, d) I'm unable, e) I lack energy, f) I'm a victim, g) I lack understanding, h) I let myself down, i) I can't live up to expectations.

If you are having trouble with a mate, many of the faults you are perceiving in him or her are projections of your own limiting beliefs or frustrations. For example if it seems that he or she never really listens to you, limiting beliefs might be: a) I'm shallow, b) I'm not interesting, c) I lack conviction, d) I'm not perceptive of where the other person's attention is focused. e) I can't really express how I feel, f) it's dangerous to reveal too much of oneself, g) I can't be honest, h) I don't trust my emotions.

Our bodily conditions can also reveal probable limiting beliefs. For example psychic healers have found that correlation exists between bodily ailments and the emotions that stem from a person's beliefs, i.e. stomach aches or problems are likely to be due to resistances to new conditions and challenges in life stemming from limiting beliefs such as: a) change is dangerous, b) I'm vulnerable, c) I need to hang on to my present life style, d) I can't adapt to new situations. Difficulty with one's neck indicates lack of flexibility and having limiting beliefs such as: a) It's dangerous to express feelings, b) I'm inflexible, c) New things are dangerous, d) Change is dangerous. Problems in the back are likely to relate to limiting beliefs such as: a) I'm not able, b) I can't accomplish what I would like, c) I'm incompetent handling finances, d) I'm not able or good to handle material issues, e) I don't deserve, f) I can't trust myself.

Now change them

Once you have found a number of probable limiting beliefs, it's important to change them. So for each limiting belief, write down in the same syntax a positive belief to replace it. Avoid putting "no's" or "uns" in the phrasing of the positive belief. The subconscious does not appear to respond to "no's", "nots" or "uns". For example if you tell someone to "Don't think of an elephant", their response will likely be to think of one.

Once you have the limiting belief written down and the positive or unlimiting belief to replace it, go into the subconscious or reactive mind to change them. This works best by having someone guide your attention. First, by coaching you to relax your body starting at the feet and working up, giving each direction to relax in synchronisation with your breathing, i.e. on one inhalation say, "Allow your toes to relax". Then on the next, "Allow the relaxation to move into the balls of your feet", and so on.

The person guiding coaches you into relaxing all of your body, and when you have, can direct you on a symbolic trip which communicates to the subconscious; similar to how a snap of the fingers and a command "Go to a specific time" did in running engrams. This trip can be started with directions synchronized with your breathing, "Enter the earth your favourite way, down the spiral staricase of an old mansion; in a cave, down a hollow tree trunk, down a well, etc. Going in, going deeper within; going deeper within; going deeper within, finding yourself coming out into a huge dimly lighted room, the room of memorabilia. Looking around you notice all of your possessions of the past with dust and cobwebs collecting on them. Then you look across the room and see the figure of an old man or an old woman, an archetype or a helper. You walk up to this person, who looks at you with very kindly eyes and ask, "Could you tell me please, where is the room of beliefs?"

Continuing to direct your attention, the person guiding you says: "The person points down a corridor to a door from which you can see light coming from the threshold, and you know they are indicating that this room is the door to the room of beliefs. You thank the person and walk down to the door. On it you see written Room of Beliefs. You open the door and inside you see a brightly lighted room with a marble topped table in the center. On one end of it is a big book, in the center are some felt pens and small cards, and on the other end an urn with a bright flame burning in it. You walk over to the book and read the gold lettering on the cover, My Beliefs. You open the book and there written on the first page you see the first of your limiting beliefs, "I'm unworthy".

Your auditor or guide repeats in an incredulous voice: "I'm unworthy", and with a snap of his figers and lots of intention, says "Go to the time you formed that belief". Then, after a pause to allow you to go to that time, directs "Really feel the feelings you had at that time. Really create those feelings, intensely. When the feelings have been fully created the subconscious will signal by moving a hand."

When your subconscious gives a signal that you have fully created the feeling, the auditor directs: "Put that feeling energy in the urn. Then, take a felt pen and write across the sheet with the limiting belief on it, V-O-I-D; tear it into little pieces and put them in the urn. Watch them all go up in smoke until they are GONE, GONE, Gone, Then take the felt pen and write the positive belief in bold letters on the fresh page in the book of beliefs. As you do, really feel it. Feel it intensely. Get a sense of any sound connected with this positive belief, and any sight. Really create them as fully as you can."

Next the auditor directs: "You look at the next page, and on it you see (the next limiting belief)." Then he repeats the same procedure with the next limiting belief.

After all the limiting beliefs have been handled, he directs, "Now allow yourself to get the ideas of coming back, knowing that you are going to continue to create those positive beliefs and feelings."

He calls each of them with intention. "Then, as you count from one to five, you will allow yourself to come back, opening your eyes on the count of five and not before. One, two, coming back, knowing that you are going to continue to create those good feelings, three, four, and five. Open your eyes and look around the room, Feel some of the things in it."

Next, "Write each of the positive beliefs that you have programmed on a little card and put the cards where you will see them often. When you do, affirm the positive belief and create the feelings of it."

Different symbology can be used to fit the reality of the person changing beliefs. For a person who is focused on and working with computers, he could be directed to a computer room and symbolically to make the changes in the computer program. For a librarian or an avid reader, it could be a library. The desired end result is the person creating and operating from a new set of beliefs. As he does, his experiences will change.

My book, Realizing Our Dreams covers this in depth. $17.50 with cassette and tape. Mark Jones, 3400 Ben Lomond PI. #123 USA Los Angeles CA 90027